Once your application is received, it will be reviewed by our committee. You will be contacted via email to confirm or deny your application.
Applications can be denied for any reason.
All fees are payable immediately following acceptance. There are no refunds issued for any reason. All paid fees will be considered a donation to our organization.
All rentals are required to submit a $450 ghost check to ensure proper cleanup of the venue. This check will be returned after the venue has been inspected post-event. See all rental details below.
General: The City of Monongahela has authorized Aquatorium Innovations, Inc. to schedule, promote, and maintain the Monongahela Aquatorium, as well as to collect all fees and ensure compliance with city rules relating to the Aquatorium Facility. Therefore, this Agreement is made between Aquatorium Innovations, Inc. acting as agent for the City of Monongahela, and Leasee. Please contact Aquatorium Innovations with any questions or comments relating to the use of the Aquatorium.
Rental Fee: The daily rental fee for non-profit organizations is twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and must be remitted with this Agreement. Checks are payable to Aquatorium Innovations Inc. Rental fees for anything other than a nonprofit are negotiated on a case-by-case scenario.
Insurance: Liability insurance is required for all events held at the Monongahela Aquatorium. The insurance must include liability insurance naming the City of Monongahela as an additional insured with general liability limits of a minimum of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00). Written proof of insurance together with the certificate of insurance must be presented to Aquatorium Innovations, Inc. at least (1) week before the event.
Food: Events that include food venders must have each food vendor provide a certificate of insurance as well as current ServSafe certifications for those handling/preparing food items. This includes catered events whereby food is included in ticket purchase. By signing this Agreement, Leasee agrees to hold the City of Monongahela and Aquatorium Innovations harmless from any and all actions arising out of the consumption of any food products at this event.
Alcoholic Beverages: Events that offer consumption and/or sale of alcoholic beverages must provide proof of licensing from Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB). This may be a special occasion permit, or other type of applicable license and a copy of such must be presented to Aquatorium Innovations one-week prior to the event. By signing this Agreement, Leasee agrees to hold the City of Monongahela and Aquatorium Innovations harmless from any and all actions arising out of the sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages at the event.
Security: Security must be provided at all public events held at the Monongahela Aquatorium. A separate security charge may be incurred depending on the availability and scheduling of the City of Monongahela Police. The Monongahela Police (per City requirements) must provide the security for all public events held at the Monongahela Aquatorium. A minimum of two security officers is required. No outside agencies may be used for security. You will be notified if you will be required to pay a security fee no later than two weeks prior to the event date response.
Cleanup of the Facility: Any individual or organization that utilizes the Monongahela Aquatorium Facility is responsible for clean-up of the facility no later than 24 hours from the end of the requesting organization’s use of the facility. A cleanup fee of four hundred fifty dollars ($450.00) is required of all organizations utilizing the facility and must be remitted with this Agreement. This fee will be utilized for the cleanup of the facility subsequent to your event.
Option: You or your organization may elect to clean up the facility or hire a third party of your choice to clean up the facility. In this option, the four hundred and fifty dollar fee will be returned to you after the facility is inspected and determined to be in an acceptable condition. The inspection will be performed by Aquatorium Innovations, Inc. and requires that all trash be placed within dumpsters with no trash being left on the ground, nor in trash cans. No trash may be stacked on or around the dumpster .
Release and Indemnity: Leaseee agrees that it shall release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Monongahela, its elected and appointed officials, employees, consultants and agents AND Aquatorium Innovations, Inc. its Officers and Directors, from and against any claim, demand, lawsuit, judgement, fine, loss, damage, expense, attorney’s and other professional fees, which relate to, arise out of or occur during Leasee's use of the Aquatorium Facility, when relating to activities or conditions on the premises of the Facility. Leasee agrees that it shall be totally responsible for all loss damage or claims made by any person or party which concerns the use or condition of the Aquatorium Facility during Leasee's use of the Facility.
Authority to Execute Agreement and Responsibility of Others: Leasee agrees that this Agreement is executed on behalf of non-profit organization, that the organization has expressly authorized the undersigned to enter into this event Agreement on behalf of the organization and that the undersigned signature shall bind the organization. In addition, leasee represents that it shall, prior to commencement of the term of their event at the Monongahela Aquatorium, ensure that all persons involved in supervising and conduction the activities on and in the Aquatorium Facility are familiar with all terms and conditions of this Agreement and have read the Aquatorium Code of Conduct.
I have read and understand the above requirements and am in agreement that I will comply with the Aquatorium Facility rules, and additionally will not violate any ordinances of the City of Monongahela.
Copyright © 2025 Monongahela Aquatorium - All Rights Reserved.